I have my ears on you
You can not vanquish
The inner child
She is beholden to no one
Lifting off from here to there
As in a day dream
She will not wait
Nor will she listen
Watch how
Her feet float above ground
Momentum herded
Racing along heath cracked moors
The speed in her step
Faster than her spine can catch up
Already squeezing around the bend
Past outdated scaffolding, pestle and mortar
Up to the heights of an ancient cliff
Barefoot and scarred
For she has fallen
Once too many and many more
Slipped down into the drowning pool
Swollen tongue and bruised eye
Her hearing none the less
Dauntlessly sound
Ear to soul
And soul to ear
She is bound
For weightlessness
Wingless and wild
Strumming to the song
Of storyless times
