Drip Drop …
You are here in the sound
this morning
A tune in Bilawal Raag
or the major key of C
soundboarding off the rooftop
drumming rhythmically
Accompanied by tinny like
mezzo soprano trills
rebounding off the corner window
I have heard this song before
Once ever strong
The lyric familiar without word
A telepathic animal call
where water is the baptism
of the underground war cry
Its heartbeat
Dum Drum de Drum
Then as certain as deafening
A drop in cadence
falling from the grace portal
An opening
softer landing retard
without dissension
Drip out of drip drip drip
The decrescendo
of calming, clean,
empathic, patient, embracing
understanding, forgiveness
An invocation
for the primordial chasing
of a bloodless beginning ~
