Unadorned, unadulterated
Forever changed now
As I steal a moment of letting things be
I used to dream that one day I would reach Nirvana
And then leave everything I love and know behind
Because this is the only way to go
That being Solo
Then never to come back
Not ever, no more
Finished with this school of struggle
But now I know that I can not leave
Without returning for all those that I love
Familiar faces that have touched and melted my heart
Personally charging and lifting my spirits up
And far away souls of brothers and sisters
Whose presence somehow I feel a comfort
even from a distance
Can I leave all these behind?
No, I will stay in the muck
I will grind in the confusion and the waiting
I will continue to pray for the hungry, the sick and the frightened
I will die another million ugly deaths
Until together we can all walk each other home ~
